Drivetrain Configurations


Other motor libraries have implemented the “DC braking” concept in which all coils of the motor are energized to lock the rotor in place using simultaneously opposing electromagnetic forces. Unlike other motor libraries, we DO NOT assume your motors’ driver circuit contains flyback diodes to protect its transistors (even though they are practically required due to Lenz’s Law). Therefore, passing a desired speed of 0 to any of the cellerate() or go() functions of the drivetrain and motor objects will effectively de-energize the coils in the motors.

Tank Drivetrain

class drivetrain.drivetrain.Tank(motors, max_speed=100)[source]

A Drivetrain class meant to be used for motor configurations where propulsion and steering are shared tasks (also known as a “Differential” Drivetrain). For example: The military’s tank vehicle essentially has 2 motors (1 on each side) where propulsion is done by both motors, and steering is controlled by varying the different motors’ input commands.

  • motors (list) – A list of motors that are to be controlled in concert. Each item in this list represents a single motor object and must be of type Solenoid, BiMotor, PhasedMotor, or StepperMotor. The first 2 motors in this list are used to propell and steer respectively.
  • max_speed (int) – The maximum speed as a percentage in range [0, 100] for the drivetrain’s forward and backward motion. Defaults to 100%. This does not scale the motor speed’s range, it just limits the top speed that the forward/backward motion can go.
go(cmds, smooth=None)[source]

This function applies the user input to the motors’ output according to drivetrain’s motor configuration stated in the contructor documentation.

  • cmds (list) –

    A list of input motor commands to be processed and passed to the motors. This list must have at least 2 items (input values), and any additional items will be ignored. A list of length less than 2 will throw a ValueError exception.


    Ordering of the motor inputs contained in this list/tuple matters. They should correspond to the following order:

    1. left/right magnitude in range [-65535, 65535]
    2. forward/reverse magnitude in range [-65535, 65535]
  • smooth (bool) –

    This controls the motors’ built-in algorithm that smooths input values over a period of time (in milliseconds) contained in the motors’ ramp_time attribute. If this parameter is not specified, then the drivetrain’s smooth attribute is used by default. This can be disabled per motor by setting the ramp_time attribute to 0, thus the smoothing algorithm is automatically bypassed despite this parameter’s value.


    Assert this parameter (set as True) for robots with a rather high center of gravity or if some parts are poorly attached. The absence of properly smoothed acceleration/deceleration will likely make the robot fall over or loose parts become dislodged on sudden and drastic changes in speed.


This attribute contains a bool indicating if the drivetrain’s motors’ speed is in the midst of changing. (read-only)


This attribute determines a motor’s top speed. Valid input values range [0, 100].


This attribute enables (True) or disables (False) the input smoothing alogrithms for all motors (solenoids excluded) in the drivetrain.


This function will stop all motion in the drivetrain’s motors


This function should be used at least once per main loop iteration. It will trigger each motor’s subsequent sync(), thus applying the smoothing input operations if needed. This is not needed if the smoothing algorithms are not utilized/necessary in the application

Automotive Drivetrain

class drivetrain.drivetrain.Automotive(motors, max_speed=100)[source]

A Drivetrain class meant to be used for motor configurations where propulsion and steering are separate tasks. The first motor is used to steer, and the second motor is used to propell. An example of this would be any remote control toy vehicle.

  • motors (list) – A list of motors that are to be controlled in concert. Each item in this list represents a single motor object and must be of type Solenoid (steering only), BiMotor, PhasedMotor, or StepperMotor. The 2 motors in this list are used to steer and propell respectively.
  • max_speed (int) – The maximum speed as a percentage in range [0, 100] for the drivetrain’s forward and backward motion. Defaults to 100%. This does not scale the motor speed’s range, it just limits the top speed that the forward/backward motion can go.
go(cmds, smooth=None)[source]

This function applies the user input to motor output according to drivetrain’s motor configuration.

  • cmds (list) –

    A list of input motor commands to be passed to the motors. This list must have at least 2 items (input values), and any additional item(s) will be ignored. A list of length less than 2 will throw a ValueError exception.


    Ordering of the motor inputs contained in this list/tuple matters. They should correspond to the following order:

    1. left/right magnitude in range [-65535, 65535]
    2. forward/reverse magnitude in range [-65535, 65535]
  • smooth (bool) –

    This controls the motors’ built-in algorithm that smooths input values over a period of time (in milliseconds) contained in the motors’ ramp_time attribute. If this parameter is not specified, then the drivetrain’s smooth attribute is used by default. This can be disabled per motor by setting the ramp_time attribute to 0, thus the smoothing algorithm is automatically bypassed despite this parameter’s value.


    Assert this parameter (set as True) for robots with a rather high center of gravity or if some parts are poorly attached. The absence of properly smoothed acceleration/deceleration will likely make the robot fall over or loose parts become dislodged on sudden and drastic changes in speed.


This attribute contains a bool indicating if the drivetrain’s motors’ speed is in the midst of changing. (read-only)


This attribute determines a motor’s top speed. Valid input values range [0, 100].


This attribute enables (True) or disables (False) the input smoothing alogrithms for all motors (solenoids excluded) in the drivetrain.


This function will stop all motion in the drivetrain’s motors


This function should be used at least once per main loop iteration. It will trigger each motor’s subsequent sync(), thus applying the smoothing input operations if needed. This is not needed if the smoothing algorithms are not utilized/necessary in the application

Locomotive Drivetrain

class drivetrain.drivetrain.Locomotive(solenoids, switch)[source]

This class relies soley on one Solenoid object controlling 2 solenoids in tandem. Like with a locomotive train, applied force is alternated between the 2 solenoids using a boolean-ized pressure sensor or switch to determine when the applied force is alternated.

  • solenoids (Solenoid) – This object has 1 or 2 solenoids attached. It will be used to apply the force for propulsion.
  • switch (Pin) – This should be the (board module’s) Pin that is connected to the sensor that will be used to determine when the force for propulsion should be alternated between solenoids.


There is no option to control the speed in this drivetrain class due to the nature of using solenoids for propulsion. Electronic solenoids apply either their full force or none at all. We currently are not supporting dynamic linear actuators (in which the force applied can vary) because they are basically motors simulating linear motion via a gear box controlling a shaft’s extension/retraction. This may change when we support servos though.


This function stops the process of alternating applied force between the solenoids.


This function starts the process of alternating applied force between the solenoids with respect to the specified direction.

Parameters:forward (bool) – True cylces the forces in a way that invokes a forward motion. False does the same but invokes a force in the backward direction.


Since we are talking about applying linear force to a wheel or axle, the direction is entirely dependent on the physical orientation of the solenoids. In other words, the armature of one solenoid should be attached to the wheel(s) or axle(s) in a position that is always opposite the position of the other solenoid’s armature on the same wheel(s) or axel(s).


This function should be used at least once in the application’s main loop. It will trigger the alternating of each solenoid’s applied force. This IS needed on MCUs (microcontroller units) that can’t use the threading module.


This attribute contains a bool indicating if the drivetrain’s applied force via solenoids is in the midst of alternating. (read-only)

Mecanum Drivetrain

class drivetrain.drivetrain.Mecanum(motors, max_speed=100)[source]

A Drivetrain class meant for motor configurations that involve 4 motors for propulsion and steering are shared tasks (like having 2 Tank Drivetrains). Each motor drives a single mecanum wheel which allows for the ability to strafe.

  • motors (list) –

    A list of motors that are to be controlled in concert. Each item in this list represents a single motor object and must be of type BiMotor, PhasedMotor, or StepperMotor. The motors list should be ordered as follows:

    • Front-Right
    • Rear-Right
    • Rear-Left
    • Front-Left
  • max_speed (int) – The maximum speed as a percentage in range [0, 100] for the drivetrain’s forward and backward motion. Defaults to 100%. This does not scale the motor speed’s range, it just limits the top speed that the forward/backward motion can go.

This attribute contains a bool indicating if the drivetrain’s motors’ speed is in the midst of changing. (read-only)


This attribute determines a motor’s top speed. Valid input values range [0, 100].


This attribute enables (True) or disables (False) the input smoothing alogrithms for all motors (solenoids excluded) in the drivetrain.


This function will stop all motion in the drivetrain’s motors


This function should be used at least once per main loop iteration. It will trigger each motor’s subsequent sync(), thus applying the smoothing input operations if needed. This is not needed if the smoothing algorithms are not utilized/necessary in the application

go(cmds, smooth=None)[source]

This function applies the user input to the motors’ output according to drivetrain’s motor configuration stated in the contructor documentation.

  • cmds (list) –

    A list of input motor commands to be processed and passed to the motors. This list must have at least 2 items (input values), and any additional items will be ignored. A list of length less than 2 will throw a ValueError exception.


    Ordering of the motor inputs contained in this list/tuple matters. They should correspond to the following order:

    1. left/right magnitude in range [-65535, 65535]
    2. forward/reverse magnitude in range [-65535, 65535]
    3. strafe boolean. True uses the left/right magnituse as strafing speed. False uses the left/right magnitude for turning.
  • smooth (bool) –

    This controls the motors’ built-in algorithm that smooths input values over a period of time (in milliseconds) contained in the motors’ ramp_time attribute. If this parameter is not specified, then the drivetrain’s smooth attribute is used by default. This can be disabled per motor by setting the ramp_time attribute to 0, thus the smoothing algorithm is automatically bypassed despite this parameter’s value.


    Assert this parameter (set as True) for robots with a rather high center of gravity or if some parts are poorly attached. The absence of properly smoothed acceleration/deceleration will likely make the robot fall over or loose parts become dislodged on sudden and drastic changes in speed.

Drivetrain Interfaces


class drivetrain.interfaces.NRF24L01(nrf24_object, address=b'rfpi0', cmd_template='ll')[source]

This class acts as a wrapper for circuitpython-nrf24l01 library for using a peripheral device with nRF24L01 radio transceivers. This is a base class to NRF24L01tx and NRF24L01rx classes.

  • nrf24_object (RF24) – The instantiated object of the nRF24L01 transceiver radio.
  • address (bytearray) – This will be the RF address used to transmit/receive drivetrain commands via the nRF24L01 transceiver. For more information on this parameter’s usage, please read the documentation on the using the open_tx_pipe()
  • cmd_template (str) – This variable will be used as the “fmt” (Format String of Characters) parameter internally passed to the struct.pack() and struct.unpack() for transmiting and receiving drivetrain commands. The number of characters in this string must correspond to the number of commands in the cmds list passed to go().

Use this attribute to change or check the format string used to pack or unpack drivetrain commands in bytearray form. Refer to Format String and Format Characters for allowed datatype aliases. The number of characters in this string must correspond to the number of commands in the cmds list passed to go().


The most previous list of commands that were processed by the drivetrain object


This bytearray will be the RF address used to transmit/receive drivetrain commands via the nRF24L01 transceiver. For more information on this parameter’s usage, please read the documentation on the using the open_tx_pipe()

class drivetrain.interfaces.NRF24L01tx(nrf24_object, address=b'rfpi0', cmd_template='ll')[source]

Bases: drivetrain.interfaces.NRF24L01

This child class allows the remote controlling of an external drivetrain by transmitting commands to another MCU via the nRF24L01 transceiver. See also the NRF24L01 base class for details about instantiation.


Assembles a bytearray to be used for transmitting commands over the air to a receiving nRF24L01 transceiver.

Parameters:cmds (list,tuple) – A list or tuple of int commands to be sent over the air using the nRF24L01. This list/tuple must have a length equal to the number of characters in the cmd_template string.
class drivetrain.interfaces.NRF24L01rx(nrf24_object, drivetrain, address=b'rfpi0', cmd_template='ll')[source]

Bases: drivetrain.interfaces.NRF24L01

This child class allows the external remote controlling of an internal drivetrain by receiving commands from another MCU via the nRF24L01 transceiver.

Parameters:drivetrain (Tank,Automotive,Locomotive) – The pre-instantiated drivetrain configuration object that is to be controlled.

See also the NRF24L01 base class for details about instantiation.


Checks if there are new commands waiting in the nRF24L01’s RX FIFO buffer to be processed by the drivetrain object (passed to the constructor upon instantiation). Any data that is waiting to be received is interpreted and passed to the drivetrain object.


Assembles a list of drivetrain commands from the received bytearray via the nRF24L01 transceiver.

Parameters:cmds (list,tuple) – A list or tuple of int commands to be sent the drivetrain object (passed to the constructor upon instantiation). This list/tuple must have a length equal to the number of characters in the cmd_template string.


class drivetrain.interfaces.USB(serial_object, cmd_template='ll')[source]

This base class acts as a wrapper to pyserial module for communicating to an external USB serial device. Specifically designed for an Arduino running custom code.


Use this str attribute to change or check the format string used to pack or unpack drivetrain commands in bytearray form. Refer to Format String and Format Characters for allowed datatype aliases. The number of characters in this string must correspond to the number of commands in the cmds list passed to go().


The most previous list of commands that were processed by the drivetrain object

class drivetrain.interfaces.USBtx(serial_object, cmd_template='ll')[source]

Bases: drivetrain.interfaces.USB

This child class allows the remote controlling of an external drivetrain by transmitting commands to another MCU via USB serial connection. See also the USB base class for details about instantiation.


Assembles a bytearray for outputting over the Serial connection.

Parameters:cmds (list,tuple) – A list or tuple of int commands to be sent over the Serial connection. This list/tuple must have a length equal to the number of characters in the cmd_template string.
class drivetrain.interfaces.USBrx(drivetrain, serial_object, cmd_template='ll')[source]

Bases: drivetrain.interfaces.USB

This child class allows the remote controlling of an external drivetrain by receiving commands from another MCU via USB serial connection.

Parameters:drivetrain (Tank,Automotive,Locomotive) – The pre-instantiated drivetrain configuration object that is to be controlled.

See also the USB base class for details about instantiation.


Checks if there are new commands waiting in the USB serial device’s input stream to be processed by the drivetrain object (passed to the constructor upon instantiation). Any data that is waiting to be received is interpreted and passed to the drivetrain object.


Assembles a list of drivetrain commands from the received bytearray over the USB serial connection.

Parameters:cmds (list,tuple) – A list or tuple of int commands to be sent the drivetrain object (passed to the constructor upon instantiation). This list/tuple must have a length equal to the number of characters in the cmd_template string.

Motor Types


class drivetrain.motor.Solenoid(pins, ramp_time=0)[source]

This base class is meant be used as a parent to BiMotor and PhasedMotor classes of this module, but can be used for solenoids if needed. Solenoids, by nature, cannot be controlled dynamically (cannot be any value other than True or False). Despite the fact that this class holds all the smoothing input algorithms for its child classes, the output values, when instantiated objects with this base class, are not actually smoothed. With that said, this class can be used to control up to 2 solenoids (see also value attribute for more details) as in the case of an actual locomotive train.

  • pins (list) – A list of (board module’s) Pin numbers that are used to drive the solenoid(s). The length of this list must be in range [1, 2] (any additional items/pins will be ignored).
  • ramp_time (int) – This parameter is really a placeholder for the child classes BiMotor & PhasedMotor as it has no affect on objects instantiated with this base class. Changing this value has not been tested and will probably slightly delay the solenoid(s) outputs.

This attribute contains the current output value of the solenoid(s) in range [-1, 1]. An invalid input value will be clamped to an int in the proper range.


Because this class is built to handle 2 pins (passed in the pins parameter to the constructor) and tailored for solenoids, any negative value will only energize the solenoid driven by the second pin . Any positive value will only energize the solenoid driven by the first pin. Alternatively, a 0 value will de-energize both solenoids.


class drivetrain.motor.BiMotor(pins, ramp_time=500)[source]

This class is meant be used for motors driven by driver boards/ICs that expect 2 PWM outputs . Each pin represent the controlling signal for the motor’s speed in a single rotational direction.

  • pins (list) – A list of (board module’s) Pin numbers that are used to drive the motor. The length of this list or tuple must be in range [1, 2]; any additional items/pins will be ignored, and a ValueError exception is thrown if no pins are passed (an empty tuple/list). If only 1 pin is passed, then the motor will only rotate in 1 direction depending on how the motor is connected to the motor driver.
  • ramp_time (int) – The time (in milliseconds) that is used to smooth the motor’s input. Default is 500. This time represents the maximum amount of time that the input will be smoothed. Since the change in speed is also used to determine how much time will be used to smooth the input, this parameter’s value will represent the time it takes for the motor to go from full reverse to full forward and vice versa. If the motor is going from rest to either full reverse or full forward, then the time it takes to do that will be half of this parameter’s value. This can be changed at any time by changing the ramp_time attribute.

A function to smoothly accelerate/decelerate the motor to a specified target speed.

Parameters:target_speed (int) – The desired target speed in range of [-65535, 65535]. Any invalid inputs will be clamped to an int value in the proper range.

This attribute contains a bool indicating if the motor’s speed is in the midst of changing. (read-only)


This attribute is the maximum amount of time (in milliseconds) used to smooth the input values. A negative value will be used as a positive number. Set this to 0 to disable all smoothing on the motor input values or just set the value atribute directly to bypass the smoothing algorithm.


Since the change in speed (target - initial) is also used to determine how much time will be used to smooth the input, this attribute’s value will represent the maximum time it takes for the motor to go from full reverse to full forward and vice versa. If the motor is going from rest to either full reverse or full forward, then the time it takes to do that will be half of this attribute’s value.


This function should be used at least in the application’s main loop iteration. It will trigger the smoothing input operations on the output value if needed. This is not needed if the smoothing algorithms are not utilized/necessary in the application


This attribute contains the current output value of the solenoid(s) in range [-65535, 65535]. An invalid input value will be clamped to an int in the proper range. A negative value represents the motor’s speed in reverse rotation. A positive value reprsents the motor’s speed in forward rotation.


class drivetrain.motor.PhasedMotor(pins, ramp_time=500)[source]

This class is meant be used for motors driven by driver boards/ICs that expect:

  • 1 PWM output (to control the motor’s speed)
  • 1 digital output (to control the motor’s rotational direction)
  • pins (list) –

    A list of (board module’s) Pin numbers that are used to drive the motor. The length of this list/tuple must be 2, otherwise a ValueError exception is thrown.


    The first pin in the tuple/list is used for the digital output signal that signifies the motor’s rotational direction. The second pin is used for PWM output that signifies the motor’s speed.

  • ramp_time (int) – The time (in milliseconds) that is used to smooth the motor’s input. Default is 500. This time represents the maximum amount of time that the input will be smoothed. Since the change in speed is also used to determine how much time will be used to smooth the input, this parameter’s value will represent the time it takes for the motor to go from full reverse to full forward and vice versa. If the motor is going from rest to either full reverse or full forward, then the time it takes to do that will be half of this parameter’s value. This can be changed at any time by changing the ramp_time attribute.

A function to smoothly accelerate/decelerate the motor to a specified target speed.

Parameters:target_speed (int) – The desired target speed in range of [-65535, 65535]. Any invalid inputs will be clamped to an int value in the proper range.

This attribute contains a bool indicating if the motor’s speed is in the midst of changing. (read-only)


This attribute is the maximum amount of time (in milliseconds) used to smooth the input values. A negative value will be used as a positive number. Set this to 0 to disable all smoothing on the motor input values or just set the value atribute directly to bypass the smoothing algorithm.


Since the change in speed (target - initial) is also used to determine how much time will be used to smooth the input, this attribute’s value will represent the maximum time it takes for the motor to go from full reverse to full forward and vice versa. If the motor is going from rest to either full reverse or full forward, then the time it takes to do that will be half of this attribute’s value.


This function should be used at least in the application’s main loop iteration. It will trigger the smoothing input operations on the output value if needed. This is not needed if the smoothing algorithms are not utilized/necessary in the application


This attribute contains the current output value of the solenoid(s) in range [-65535, 65535]. An invalid input value will be clamped to an int in the proper range. A negative value represents the motor’s speed in reverse rotation. A positive value reprsents the motor’s speed in forward rotation.


class drivetrain.stepper.StepperMotor(pins, steps_per_rev=4096, degree_per_step=0.087890625, step_type='half', rpm=60)[source]

A class designed to control unipolar or bipolar stepper motors. It is still a work in progress as there is no smoothing algorithm nor limited maximum speed applied to the motor’s input.

  • pins (list,tuple) – A list or tuple of (board module) pins that are used to drive the stepper motor. The length of this list or tuple must be divisible by 2, otherwise a ValueError exception is thrown.
  • steps_per_rev (int) – An int that represents how many steps it takes to complete a whole revolution. Defaults to 4096. This should correlate with information found in your motor’s datasheet.
  • degree_per_step (int,float) – The value that represents how many degrees the motor moves per single step. Defaults to 45/512 or 5.625°/64. This should correlate with information found in your motor’s datasheet.
  • step_type (string) –

    This parameter is used upon instantiation to specify what kind of stepping pattern the motor uses. Valid values are limited to:

    • half (default value)
    • full
    • wave

    This should correlate with information found in your motor’s datasheet.

  • rpm (int,float) – The maximum amount of rotations per minute. This should correlate with information found in your motor’s datasheet.

This attribute contains a bool indicating if the motor is in the midst of moving. (read-only)


Use this function when you want to abort any motion from the motor.


This function should be used only once per main loop iteration. It will trigger stepping operations on the motor if needed.


A calibrating function that will reset the motor’s zero angle to its current position. This function is also called when the motor’s value, steps, or angle attributes are set to None. Additionally, this function will stop all movement in the motor.


This int attribute contains the maximum Rotations Per Minute and can be changed at any time.


Represents the number of the motor’s angle from its zero angle position with respect to the steps_per_rev parameter passed to the constructor. This value will be in range [-180, 180]. Input values can be any int or float as any overflow outside the range [0, 360] is handled accordingly.


Represents the number of the motor’s steps from its zero angle position with respect to the steps_per_rev parameter passed to the constructor. This value will be in range [steps_per_rev / -2, steps_per_rev / 2]. Input values can be any int as any overflow outside the range [0, steps_per_rev] is handled accordingly.


Represents the percentual value of the motor’s angle in range [-100, 100] with respect to the steps_per_rev parameter passed to the constructor. Invalid input values will be constrained to an int in the range [-100, 100].