Source code for drivetrain.drivetrain

# The MIT License (MIT)
# Copyright (c) 2019 Brendan Doherty
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
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Drivetrain Configuration Classes

This module contains the necessary algorithms for utilizing different DC motor types in different
configurations for the raspberry pi. Currently only supporting the R2D2 (aliased here as `Tank`)
& typical openRC (aliased here as `Automotive`) configurations.

# pylint: disable=arguments-differ,invalid-name
    from digitalio import DigitalInOut
except ImportError:
    import machine
    MICROPY = True
from .stepper import StepperMotor
from .motor import Solenoid, BiMotor, PhasedMotor
    from threading import Thread
except ImportError:
    IS_THREADED = False

class Drivetrain:
    """A base class that is only used for inheriting various types of drivetrain configurations."""
    def __init__(self, motors, max_speed=100, smooth=True):
        #  prototype motors lust to avoid error in __del__ on exceptions
        self._motors = []
        for i, m in enumerate(motors):
            if not isinstance(m, (Solenoid, BiMotor, PhasedMotor, StepperMotor)):
                raise ValueError(
                    'unknown motor (index {}) of type {}'.format(i, type(m)))
        if not motors:
            raise ValueError('No motors were passed to the drivetrain.')
        self._motors = motors
        self._max_speed = max(0, min(max_speed, 100))
        self._prev_cmds = [0, 0]
        self._smooth = smooth

    def smooth(self):
        """This attribute enables (`True`) or disables (`False`) the input smoothing alogrithms for all motors (solenoids excluded) in the drivetrain."""
        return self._smooth

    def smooth(self, enable):
        self._smooth = enable

    def sync(self):
        """This function should be used at least once per main loop iteration. It will trigger each
        motor's subsequent sync(), thus applying the smoothing input operations if needed. This is
        not needed if the smoothing algorithms are not utilized/necessary in the application"""
        for motor in self._motors:

    def stop(self):
        """This function will stop all motion in the drivetrain's motors"""
        commands = []
        for _ in self._motors:

    def go(self, cmds, smooth=None):
        """A helper function to the child classes to handle extra periphial motors attached to the
        `Drivetrain` object. This is only useful for motors that serve a specialized purpose
        other than propulsion.

        :param list,tuple cmds: A `list` or `tuple` of `int` motor input values to be passed in
            corresponding order to the motors. Each input value must be on range [-65535, 65535].

        :param bool smooth: This controls the motors' built-in algorithm that smooths input values
            over a period of time (in milliseconds) contained in the motors'
            :attr:`~drivetrain.motor.BiMotor.ramp_time` attribute. If this parameter is not
            specified, then the drivetrain's `smooth` attribute is used by default.
            This can be disabled per motor by setting the :attr:`~drivetrain.motor.BiMotor.ramp_time`
            attribute to ``0``, thus the smoothing algorithm is automatically bypassed despite this
            parameter's value.

            .. note:: Assert this parameter (set as `True`) for robots with a rather high center of
                gravity or if some parts are poorly attached. The absence of properly smoothed
                acceleration/deceleration will likely make the robot fall over or loose parts
                become dislodged on sudden and drastic changes in speed.
        self._prev_cmds = cmds
        for i, cmd in enumerate(cmds):
            if i < len(self._motors):
                if (smooth if smooth is not None else self._smooth):
                    # if input is getting smoothed
                    self._motors[i].value = cmd

    def value(self):
        return self._prev_cmds

    def is_cellerating(self):
        """This attribute contains a `bool` indicating if the drivetrain's motors' speed is in the
        midst of changing. (read-only)"""
        for m in self._motors:
            if m.is_cellerating:
                return True
        return False

    def max_speed(self):
        """This attribute determines a motor's top speed. Valid input values range [0, 100]."""
        return self._max_speed

    def max_speed(self, val):
        self._max_speed = max(0, min(val if val is not None else 0, 100))

    def __repr__(self):
        """Aggregates all the motors current values into a printable string."""
        output = ''
        for i, m in self._motors:
            output += 'motor {} value = {}'.format(i, m.value)
            if i != len(self._motors) - 1:
                output += ','

    def __del__(self):
        del self._motors

[docs]class Tank(Drivetrain): """A Drivetrain class meant to be used for motor configurations where propulsion and steering are shared tasks (also known as a "Differential" Drivetrain). For example: The military's tank vehicle essentially has 2 motors (1 on each side) where propulsion is done by both motors, and steering is controlled by varying the different motors' input commands. :param list motors: A `list` of motors that are to be controlled in concert. Each item in this `list` represents a single motor object and must be of type `Solenoid`, `BiMotor`, `PhasedMotor`, or `StepperMotor`. The first 2 motors in this `list` are used to propell and steer respectively. :param int max_speed: The maximum speed as a percentage in range [0, 100] for the drivetrain's forward and backward motion. Defaults to 100%. This does not scale the motor speed's range, it just limits the top speed that the forward/backward motion can go. """ def __init__(self, motors, max_speed=100): if len(motors) != 2: raise ValueError('The drivetrain requires 2 motors to operate.') super(Tank, self).__init__(motors, max_speed)
[docs] def go(self, cmds, smooth=None): """This function applies the user input to the motors' output according to drivetrain's motor configuration stated in the contructor documentation. :param list cmds: A `list` of input motor commands to be processed and passed to the motors. This list must have at least 2 items (input values), and any additional items will be ignored. A `list` of length less than 2 will throw a `ValueError` exception. .. important:: Ordering of the motor inputs contained in this list/tuple matters. They should correspond to the following order: 1. left/right magnitude in range [-65535, 65535] 2. forward/reverse magnitude in range [-65535, 65535] :param bool smooth: This controls the motors' built-in algorithm that smooths input values over a period of time (in milliseconds) contained in the motors' :attr:`~drivetrain.motor.BiMotor.ramp_time` attribute. If this parameter is not specified, then the drivetrain's `smooth` attribute is used by default. This can be disabled per motor by setting the :attr:`~drivetrain.motor.BiMotor.ramp_time` attribute to ``0``, thus the smoothing algorithm is automatically bypassed despite this parameter's value. .. note:: Assert this parameter (set as `True`) for robots with a rather high center of gravity or if some parts are poorly attached. The absence of properly smoothed acceleration/deceleration will likely make the robot fall over or loose parts become dislodged on sudden and drastic changes in speed. """ if len(cmds) < 2: raise ValueError( "the list of commands must be at least 2 items long") cmds[0] = max(-65535, min(65535, int(cmds[0]))) cmds[1] = max(-65535, min(65535, int(cmds[1]))) # apply speed governor if abs(cmds[1]) > self._max_speed * 655.35: cmds[1] = self._max_speed * (655.35 if cmds[1] > 0 else -655.35) # assuming left/right axis is null (just going forward or backward) left = cmds[1] right = cmds[1] if not cmds[1]: # if forward/backward axis is null ("turning on a dime" functionality) # re-apply speed governor to only axis with a non-zero value if abs(cmds[0]) > self._max_speed * 655.35: cmds[0] = self._max_speed * \ (655.35 if cmds[0] > 0 else -655.35) right = cmds[0] left = cmds[0] * -1 else: # if forward/backward axis is not null and left/right axis is not null # apply differential to motors accordingly offset = (65535 - abs(cmds[0])) / 65535.0 if cmds[0] > 0: right *= offset elif cmds[0] < 0: left *= offset # send translated commands to motors super().go([left, right], smooth)
[docs]class Automotive(Drivetrain): """A Drivetrain class meant to be used for motor configurations where propulsion and steering are separate tasks. The first motor is used to steer, and the second motor is used to propell. An example of this would be any remote control toy vehicle. :param list motors: A `list` of motors that are to be controlled in concert. Each item in this `list` represents a single motor object and must be of type `Solenoid` (steering only), `BiMotor`, `PhasedMotor`, or `StepperMotor`. The 2 motors in this `list` are used to steer and propell respectively. :param int max_speed: The maximum speed as a percentage in range [0, 100] for the drivetrain's forward and backward motion. Defaults to 100%. This does not scale the motor speed's range, it just limits the top speed that the forward/backward motion can go. """ def __init__(self, motors, max_speed=100): if len(motors) != 2: raise ValueError('The drivetrain requires 2 motors to operate.') if not isinstance(motors[0], (Solenoid, BiMotor, PhasedMotor, StepperMotor)): raise ValueError(type(motors[0]), 'unrecognized or unsupported motor object') if not isinstance(motors[1], (BiMotor, PhasedMotor, StepperMotor)): raise ValueError(type(motors[1]), 'unrecognized or unsupported motor object') super(Automotive, self).__init__(motors, max_speed)
[docs] def go(self, cmds, smooth=None): """This function applies the user input to motor output according to drivetrain's motor configuration. :param list cmds: A `list` of input motor commands to be passed to the motors. This `list` must have at least 2 items (input values), and any additional item(s) will be ignored. A `list` of length less than 2 will throw a `ValueError` exception. .. important:: Ordering of the motor inputs contained in this list/tuple matters. They should correspond to the following order: 1. left/right magnitude in range [-65535, 65535] 2. forward/reverse magnitude in range [-65535, 65535] :param bool smooth: This controls the motors' built-in algorithm that smooths input values over a period of time (in milliseconds) contained in the motors' :attr:`~drivetrain.motor.BiMotor.ramp_time` attribute. If this parameter is not specified, then the drivetrain's `smooth` attribute is used by default. This can be disabled per motor by setting the :attr:`~drivetrain.motor.BiMotor.ramp_time` attribute to ``0``, thus the smoothing algorithm is automatically bypassed despite this parameter's value. .. note:: Assert this parameter (set as `True`) for robots with a rather high center of gravity or if some parts are poorly attached. The absence of properly smoothed acceleration/deceleration will likely make the robot fall over or loose parts become dislodged on sudden and drastic changes in speed. """ if len(cmds) < 2: raise ValueError( "the list of commands must be at least 2 items long") cmds[0] = max(-65535, min(65535, int(cmds[0]))) cmds[1] = max(-65535, min(65535, int(cmds[1]))) # apply speed governor if abs(cmds[1]) > self._max_speed * 655.35: cmds[1] = self._max_speed * (655.35 if cmds[1] > 0 else -655.35) # send commands to motors super().go(cmds, smooth)
[docs]class Locomotive(Drivetrain): """This class relies soley on one `Solenoid` object controlling 2 solenoids in tandem. Like with a locomotive train, applied force is alternated between the 2 solenoids using a boolean-ized pressure sensor or switch to determine when the applied force is alternated. :param ~drivetrain.motor.Solenoid solenoids: This object has 1 or 2 solenoids attached. It will be used to apply the force for propulsion. :param ~microcontroller.Pin switch: This should be the (`board` module's) :py:class:`~microcontroller.Pin` that is connected to the sensor that will be used to determine when the force for propulsion should be alternated between solenoids. .. note:: There is no option to control the speed in this drivetrain class due to the nature of using solenoids for propulsion. Electronic solenoids apply either their full force or none at all. We currently are not supporting dynamic linear actuators (in which the force applied can vary) because they are basically motors simulating linear motion via a gear box controlling a shaft's extension/retraction. This may change when we support servos though. """ def __init__(self, solenoids, switch): if isinstance(solenoids, (BiMotor, PhasedMotor, StepperMotor)): raise ValueError('this drivetrain only uses a 1 Solenoid object') super(Locomotive, self).__init__([solenoids]) if MICROPY: self._switch = machine.Pin(switch, machine.Pin.IN) else: self._switch = DigitalInOut(switch) self._switch.switch_to_input() self._is_forward = True self._is_in_motion = False self._cancel_thread = not IS_THREADED self._moving_thread = None
[docs] def stop(self): """This function stops the process of alternating applied force between the solenoids.""" if IS_THREADED: self._stop_thread() self._is_in_motion = False
def _stop_thread(self): if self._moving_thread is not None: self._cancel_thread = True self._moving_thread.join() self._cancel_thread = False self._moving_thread = None
[docs] def go(self, forward): """This function starts the process of alternating applied force between the solenoids with respect to the specified direction. :param bool forward: `True` cylces the forces in a way that invokes a forward motion. `False` does the same but invokes a force in the backward direction. .. note:: Since we are talking about applying linear force to a wheel or axle, the direction is entirely dependent on the physical orientation of the solenoids. In other words, the armature of one solenoid should be attached to the wheel(s) or axle(s) in a position that is always opposite the position of the other solenoid's armature on the same wheel(s) or axel(s). """ self._is_forward = forward self._is_in_motion = True self.stop() if IS_THREADED: self._moving_thread = Thread(target=self._move) self._moving_thread.start() else: self.sync()
def _move(self): do_while = True while do_while: self.sync() do_while = not self._cancel_thread
[docs] def sync(self): """This function should be used at least once in the application's main loop. It will trigger the alternating of each solenoid's applied force. This IS needed on MCUs (microcontroller units) that can't use the threading module.""" alternate = (1 if self._switch.value else -1) * \ (-1 if self._is_forward else 1) self._motors[0].go(alternate)
@property def is_cellerating(self): """This attribute contains a `bool` indicating if the drivetrain's applied force via solenoids is in the midst of alternating. (read-only)""" if self._moving_thread is not None or self._is_in_motion: return True return False
[docs]class Mecanum(Drivetrain): """A Drivetrain class meant for motor configurations that involve 4 motors for propulsion and steering are shared tasks (like having 2 Tank Drivetrains). Each motor drives a single mecanum wheel which allows for the ability to strafe. :param list motors: A `list` of motors that are to be controlled in concert. Each item in this `list` represents a single motor object and must be of type `BiMotor`, `PhasedMotor`, or `StepperMotor`. The motors `list` should be ordered as follows: * Front-Right * Rear-Right * Rear-Left * Front-Left :param int max_speed: The maximum speed as a percentage in range [0, 100] for the drivetrain's forward and backward motion. Defaults to 100%. This does not scale the motor speed's range, it just limits the top speed that the forward/backward motion can go. """ def __init__(self, motors, max_speed=100): if len(motors) != 4: raise ValueError('The drivetrain requires 4 motors to operate.') for i, m in enumerate(motors): if not isinstance(m, (BiMotor, PhasedMotor, StepperMotor)): raise ValueError( 'unknown motor (index {}) of type {}'.format(i, type(m))) super(Mecanum, self).__init__(motors, max_speed=max_speed)
[docs] def go(self, cmds, smooth=None): """This function applies the user input to the motors' output according to drivetrain's motor configuration stated in the contructor documentation. :param list cmds: A `list` of input motor commands to be processed and passed to the motors. This list must have at least 2 items (input values), and any additional items will be ignored. A `list` of length less than 2 will throw a `ValueError` exception. .. important:: Ordering of the motor inputs contained in this list/tuple matters. They should correspond to the following order: 1. left/right magnitude in range [-65535, 65535] 2. forward/reverse magnitude in range [-65535, 65535] 3. strafe boolean. `True` uses the left/right magnituse as strafing speed. `False` uses the left/right magnitude for turning. :param bool smooth: This controls the motors' built-in algorithm that smooths input values over a period of time (in milliseconds) contained in the motors' :attr:`~drivetrain.motor.BiMotor.ramp_time` attribute. If this parameter is not specified, then the drivetrain's `smooth` attribute is used by default. This can be disabled per motor by setting the :attr:`~drivetrain.motor.BiMotor.ramp_time` attribute to ``0``, thus the smoothing algorithm is automatically bypassed despite this parameter's value. .. note:: Assert this parameter (set as `True`) for robots with a rather high center of gravity or if some parts are poorly attached. The absence of properly smoothed acceleration/deceleration will likely make the robot fall over or loose parts become dislodged on sudden and drastic changes in speed. """ if len(cmds) < 3: raise ValueError( "the list of commands must be at least 3 items long") cmds[0] = max(-65535, min(65535, int(cmds[0]))) cmds[1] = max(-65535, min(65535, int(cmds[1]))) # apply speed governor if abs(cmds[1]) > self._max_speed * 655.35: cmds[1] = self._max_speed * (655.35 if cmds[1] > 0 else -655.35) # assuming left/right axis is null (just going forward or backward) left = cmds[1] right = cmds[1] if not cmds[1]: # if forward/backward axis is null # re-apply speed governor to only axis with a non-zero value if abs(cmds[0]) > self._max_speed * 655.35: cmds[0] = self._max_speed * \ (655.35 if cmds[0] > 0 else -655.35) right = cmds[0] left = cmds[0] * -1 if not cmds[2]: # "turning on a dime" functionality super().go([left, left, right, right], smooth) else: # straight strafing functionality super().go([left * -1, left, right, right * -1], smooth) else: # if forward/backward axis is not null and left/right axis is not null # apply differential to motors accordingly if not cmds[2]: # veer and propell offset = (65535 - abs(cmds[0])) / 65535.0 if cmds[1]: if cmds[0] > 0: right *= offset elif cmds[0] < 0: left *= offset super().go([left, left, right, right], smooth) else: # strafe and propell if 65535 > cmds[0] > 32767: right *= (65535 - abs(cmds[0])) / -32767 elif 0 < cmds[0] <= 32767: right *= (32767 - abs(cmds[0])) / 32767 elif 0 > cmds[0] >= -32767: left *= (32767 - abs(cmds[0])) / 32767 elif -32767 > cmds[0] > -65535: left *= (65535 - abs(cmds[0])) / -32767 if cmds[1] > 0: super().go([left, right, left, right], smooth) else: super().go([right, left, right, left], smooth)