Source code for drivetrain.interfaces

A colection of controlling interfaces for drivetrains (both external and internal).

import struct
    from serial import Serial as UART
except ImportError:
    PYSERIAL = False # not running on Win32 nor Linux
        from busio import UART
    except ImportError: # running on a MicroPython board
        from .usart_serial_ctx import SerialUART as UART
from circuitpython_nrf24l01 import RF24


[docs]class NRF24L01(): """This class acts as a wrapper for circuitpython-nrf24l01 library for using a peripheral device with nRF24L01 radio transceivers. This is a base class to :class:`~drivetrain.interfaces.NRF24L01tx` and :class:`~drivetrain.interfaces.NRF24L01rx` classes. :param ~circuitpython_nrf24l01.rf24.RF24 nrf24_object: The instantiated object of the nRF24L01 transceiver radio. :param bytearray address: This will be the RF address used to transmit/receive drivetrain commands via the nRF24L01 transceiver. For more information on this parameter's usage, please read the documentation on the using the :py:meth:`~circuitpython_nrf24l01.rf24.RF24.open_tx_pipe()` :param str cmd_template: This variable will be used as the `"fmt" (Format String of Characters) <>`_ parameter internally passed to the :py:func:`struct.pack()` and :py:func:`struct.unpack()` for transmiting and receiving drivetrain commands. The number of characters in this string must correspond to the number of commands in the ``cmds`` list passed to :py:meth:`~drivetrain.interfaces.NRF24L01rx.go()`. """ def __init__(self, nrf24_object, address=b'rfpi0', cmd_template="ll"): if not isinstance(nrf24_object, RF24): raise ValueError('nRf24L01 object not recognized or supported.') self._rf = nrf24_object self._address = address self.address = address self._rf.listen = False # self._rf.what_happened(1) # prints radio condition self._prev_cmds = [None, None] self._fmt = cmd_template @property def cmd_template(self): """Use this attribute to change or check the format string used to pack or unpack drivetrain commands in `bytearray` form. Refer to `Format String and Format Characters <>`_ for allowed datatype aliases. The number of characters in this string must correspond to the number of commands in the ``cmds`` list passed to :py:meth:`~drivetrain.interfaces.NRF24L01rx.go()`.""" return self._fmt @cmd_template.setter def cmd_template(self, fmt): self._fmt = fmt @property def value(self): """The most previous list of commands that were processed by the drivetrain object""" return self._prev_cmds @property def address(self): """This `bytearray` will be the RF address used to transmit/receive drivetrain commands via the nRF24L01 transceiver. For more information on this parameter's usage, please read the documentation on the using the :py:meth:`~circuitpython_nrf24l01.rf24.RF24.open_tx_pipe()`""" return self._address @address.setter def address(self, address): self._address = address self._rf.open_tx_pipe(address) self._rf.open_rx_pipe(1, address)
[docs]class NRF24L01tx(NRF24L01): """This child class allows the remote controlling of an external drivetrain by transmitting commands to another MCU via the nRF24L01 transceiver. See also the :class:`~drivetrain.interfaces.NRF24L01` base class for details about instantiation."""
[docs] def go(self, cmds): """Assembles a bytearray to be used for transmitting commands over the air to a receiving nRF24L01 transceiver. :param list,tuple cmds: A `list` or `tuple` of `int` commands to be sent over the air using the nRF24L01. This `list`/`tuple` must have a length equal to the number of characters in the :py:attr:`~drivetrain.interfaces.NRF24L01.cmd_template` string. """ self._prev_cmds = cmds command = self._fmt.encode() + b';' for i, c in enumerate(self._fmt): try: command += struct.pack(c, cmds[i]) except struct.error: raise ValueError("command argument, {cmds[i]}, not in range of datatype '{c}'. " "Refer to 'Format Characters' in python's struct docs for " "adequate datatype aliases.") except IndexError: raise ValueError("expected {} commands, but {} were given".format( len(self._fmt), len(cmds))) self._rf.send(command)
# success = self._rf.send(command) # print('transmit', repr(cmds), 'returned:', success)
[docs]class NRF24L01rx(NRF24L01): """This child class allows the external remote controlling of an internal drivetrain by receiving commands from another MCU via the nRF24L01 transceiver. :param Tank,Automotive,Locomotive drivetrain: The pre-instantiated drivetrain configuration object that is to be controlled. See also the :class:`~drivetrain.interfaces.NRF24L01` base class for details about instantiation. """ def __init__(self, nrf24_object, drivetrain, address=b'rfpi0', cmd_template="ll"): self._d_train = drivetrain super(NRF24L01rx, self).__init__(nrf24_object, address=b'rfpi0', cmd_template=cmd_template) self._rf.listen = True
[docs] def sync(self): """Checks if there are new commands waiting in the nRF24L01's RX FIFO buffer to be processed by the drivetrain object (passed to the constructor upon instantiation). Any data that is waiting to be received is interpreted and passed to the drivetrain object.""" if self._rf.any(): rx = self._rf.recv() fmt = b'' for i, byte in enumerate(rx): if byte == 59: # found ';' now convert all prior chars to str & break # str() doesn't supprot "encoding" kwarg in circuitpython fmt = ''.join(chr(c) for c in rx[:i]) break self.go(list(struct.unpack(fmt, rx[len(fmt) + 1:]))) if not IS_TREADED: self._d_train.sync()
[docs] def go(self, cmds): """Assembles a list of drivetrain commands from the received bytearray via the nRF24L01 transceiver. :param list,tuple cmds: A `list` or `tuple` of `int` commands to be sent the drivetrain object (passed to the constructor upon instantiation). This `list`/`tuple` must have a length equal to the number of characters in the :py:attr:`~drivetrain.interfaces.NRF24L01.cmd_template` string. """ self._prev_cmds = list(cmds) self._d_train.go(self.value)
[docs]class USB(): """ This base class acts as a wrapper to pyserial module for communicating to an external USB serial device. Specifically designed for an Arduino running custom code. :param busio.UART,serial.Serial,machine.UART serial_object: The instantiated serial object to be used for the serial connection. :param str cmd_template: This variable will be used as the `"fmt" (Format String of Characters) <>`_ parameter internally passed to the :py:func:`struct.pack()` and :py:func:`struct.unpack()` for transmiting and receiving drivetrain commands. The number of characters in this string must correspond to the number of commands in the ``cmds`` list passed to :py:meth:`~drivetrain.interfaces.USBrx.go()`. """ def __init__(self, serial_object, cmd_template="ll"): if not isinstance(serial_object, UART): raise ValueError("serial_object not recognized or unsupported") self._ser = serial_object # print('Successfully opened port {} @ {} to Arduino device'.format(address, baud)) if PYSERIAL: self._ser.close() else: self._ser.deinit() self._prev_cmds = [None, None] self._fmt = cmd_template @property def cmd_template(self): """Use this `str` attribute to change or check the format string used to pack or unpack drivetrain commands in `bytearray` form. Refer to `Format String and Format Characters <>`_ for allowed datatype aliases. The number of characters in this string must correspond to the number of commands in the ``cmds`` list passed to :py:meth:`~drivetrain.interfaces.USBrx.go()`.""" return self._fmt @cmd_template.setter def cmd_template(self, fmt): self._fmt = fmt @property def value(self): """The most previous list of commands that were processed by the drivetrain object""" return self._prev_cmds
[docs]class USBtx(USB): """This child class allows the remote controlling of an external drivetrain by transmitting commands to another MCU via USB serial connection. See also the `USB` base class for details about instantiation."""
[docs] def go(self, cmds): """Assembles a bytearray for outputting over the Serial connection. :param list,tuple cmds: A `list` or `tuple` of `int` commands to be sent over the Serial connection. This `list`/`tuple` must have a length equal to the number of characters in the :py:attr:`~drivetrain.interfaces.USB.cmd_template` string. """ self._prev_cmds = cmds command = self._fmt.encode() + b';' for i, c in enumerate(self._fmt): try: command += struct.pack(c, cmds[i]) except struct.error: raise ValueError("command argument, {cmds[i]}, not in range of datatype {i}. " "Refer to 'Format Characters' in python's struct docs for " "adequate datatype aliases.") except IndexError: raise ValueError("expected {} commands, but {} were given".format( len(self._fmt), len(cmds))) with self._ser: self._ser.write(command + b'\n') # terminate command w/ '\n' character for readline()
[docs]class USBrx(USB): """This child class allows the remote controlling of an external drivetrain by receiving commands from another MCU via USB serial connection. :param Tank,Automotive,Locomotive drivetrain: The pre-instantiated drivetrain configuration object that is to be controlled. See also the :class:`~drivetrain.interfaces.USB` base class for details about instantiation. """ def __init__(self, drivetrain, serial_object, cmd_template="ll"): self._d_train = drivetrain super(USBrx, self).__init__(serial_object=serial_object, cmd_template=cmd_template)
[docs] def sync(self): """Checks if there are new commands waiting in the USB serial device's input stream to be processed by the drivetrain object (passed to the constructor upon instantiation). Any data that is waiting to be received is interpreted and passed to the drivetrain object.""" rx = b'' with self._ser: if self._ser.in_waiting: if PYSERIAL: # pyserial object doesn't use internal timeout value for read_line() rx = self._ser.read_until() # defaults to '\n' character else: rx = self._ser.read_line() if rx: fmt = '' for i, byte in enumerate(rx): if byte == 59: fmt = str(rx[:i], encoding='utf-8') break self.go(list(struct.unpack(fmt, rx[len(fmt) + 1 : -1]))) # ignore fmt & '\n if IS_TREADED: self._d_train.sync()
[docs] def go(self, cmds): """Assembles a list of drivetrain commands from the received bytearray over the USB serial connection. :param list,tuple cmds: A `list` or `tuple` of `int` commands to be sent the drivetrain object (passed to the constructor upon instantiation). This `list`/`tuple` must have a length equal to the number of characters in the :py:attr:`~drivetrain.interfaces.USB.cmd_template` string. """ self._prev_cmds = cmds self._d_train.go(self.value)